How Complaints are Processed
Complaints can be filed against The Government or an agent of The Government. Employees of statutory bodies can also be complained about.
To file a complaint with the Complaints Commission an individual must write to the Commission providing information on the following:
- Who he or she is complaining about,
- The details of the complaint;
- When the incident happened;
- The evidence to support the complaint,
- Their contact details and
- Any other action which he/she might have taken to deal with the complaint.
The Complainant will deliver the complaint to the Constitution and Commissions Secretariat. He/she can do this by the following means:
- Sending the complaint through the postal services;
- Hand delivering it to the Constitution and Commissions Secretariat;
- Faxing it to the Constitution and Commissions Secretariat;
- E-mailing it to the Constitution and Commissions Secretariat
The following diagram illustrates the process on how to make a complaint: